



Network security is the process of protecting a business’ digital l和scape from threats by building a security framework into 和 around its various on-prem 和 cloud environments. 网络保护安全工具旨在持续扫描基础设施 漏洞 还有缺口的迹象.

的 ephemeral nature of the connected systems that make up an organization's network means it is a constantly shifting mass of potentially vulnerable virtual 和 cloud devices. 这样可以使工作顺利进行 入侵检测和响应系统(IDPS) 极其困难的. 但是,今天的 网络安全 解决方案与任务非常匹配.


的 main purpose of network security solutions is to reduce the risks posed to an IT infrastructure. This mission becomes particularly critical as today’s disseminated workforces are further stretching the need for security of transnational networks that connect those workers.

的 p和emic supercharged adoption of remote work 和 accelerated the need for cloud adoption as workers moved around the world 和 ab和oned offices. 因此, network security’s reason for existing didn’t necessarily change so much as its scope suddenly became much bigger than it had ever been.

Critical – 和 many times confidential – data that was safely contained in an on-prem environment now had to be flung out into the world for workers to remotely access, 因此 云网络安全 迅速成为2020年科技界最热门的话题. 即使2024年回归正常化, 如今,网络安全的宏大范围依然存在.


You secure a network by first determining exactly what kinds of systems 和 environments you need to protect 和 defend. 根据美国网络安全和基础设施安全局(CISA), “保护网络需要持续监控, 评估, 以及各种相互关联的因素之间的缓解, 包括服务器, 云, 物联网(IoT), 互联网连接和用于访问网络的许多物理资产.”

该机构 接着说 that the devices that make up network infrastructure “are ideal targets for malicious cyber actors because more or all organizational 和 customer traffic must pass through them.”

在一个非常高的层次上, securing those infrastructure devices means the same thing to everyone looking to achieve network security. 不过,从操作上看,这一过程对每个公司来说都有明显不同 安全运营中心(SOC). Let’s take a look at a few of the more general steps SOCs can take to begin working toward a stronger network security posture:

  • 查看活动目录组: Make life hard for attackers by reviewing active directory group memberships 和 permissions to ensure users are granted access to the minimum set of assets required to do their jobs. 在理想的情况下, even your most privileged users should have regular accounts that they use for the majority of their jobs, 只有在绝对需要完成任务时才登录管理员帐户.
  • 启用多因素身份验证(MFA):实现 身份和访问管理(IAM) protocols like MFA for all systems means requiring an additional piece of information in combination with a username 和 password. 一个例子是登录到网上银行门户网站, 和 having a code sent to your 移动设备 to then enter into the banking portal to ensure identity. 其他令牌、特定设备需求和生物识别技术都是MFA的示例.
  • 练习良好的姿势有很多 攻击表面 profiling tools 和 services that provide an attacker's-eye view of what an organization is exposing as well as help to identify any problematic services 和 configurations. 


As it is typically understood that network security can encompass many methods of network-perimeter defense, 让我们来看看几个更经常被soc采用的解决方案. 


南汽 is the process of leveraging security protocols to maximize control over who or what can access a proprietary network. 如果网络安全服务和做法-特别是 数据丢失预防(DLP) 在任何特定领域都特别薄弱,那么很有可能是 威胁的演员 将能够找到他们的方式,恶意泄露以前安全的数据.


A SIEM 是一种通过集中检测安全问题的解决方案吗, 关联, 并通过IT网络分析数据. SIEM解决方案可以帮助公司满足遵从性需求,并通过组合来遏制攻击者 日志管理 集中化以及检测和搜索能力.


零信任安全模型 强大的身份验证框架是否天生不信任每个人, 端点, 移动设备, 服务器, 网络组件, 网络连接, 应用程序工作负载, 以及业务流程. Each process or person must be authenticated 和 authorized continuously as every action is performed.


A WAF helps protect a company’s web applications by inspecting 和 filtering traffic between each web application 和 its interactions with the internet. WAF可以帮助保护web应用程序免受以下攻击 跨站脚本(XSS)结构化查询语言(SQL)注入. Common useful applications include e-commerce platforms leveraging WAFs to prevent data theft 和 fraud.


Humans – also known as employees – are not typically thought of as part of an IT organization’s 攻击表面. 然而,很大一部分可利用的漏洞是人为错误造成的. 让内部员工定期参与是一个好主意 安全意识培训 programs so they can stay updated on how to defend themselves 和 the organization against threats – even if they’re not part of the IT or security teams.


的 macro benefits of network security are fairly obvious: Keep attackers out 和 plug critical 漏洞 in a timely manner so they can't be exploited. Let's now take a look at a few of the less obvious benefits of a robust network security program: 

  • 访问控制: IAM policies enable superior authentication practices so that anyone – or any application/system – wishing to access an enterprise network must provide extensive information to be admitted. 网络流量分析(NTA) is a technology useful in monitoring network activity for anomalies 和 helping to improve internal visibility 和 eliminate blind spots.
  • 合规在当今严格的全球监管环境下, 确保组织网络的安全性满足状态是至关重要的, 联邦, 或特定地区的遵从性要求. 网络安全程序可以帮助确保遵守特定的遵从性需求.
  • 可见性: Maintaining maximum visibility over an enterprise network helps ensure a stronger 和 more consistent security posture, 这意味着更少的意外漏洞, 违反, 攻击, 以及恶意数据泄露——所有这些都能节省资金.
  • 风险缓解:即使违约确实发生, the right network security solution will be able to help a security organization minimize the impact of that breach. 网络检测和响应(NDR) capabilities help to cut down on risk by creating baseline network behavior so that it becomes fairly obvious when anomalous activity occurs.
  • 数据保护: Any enterprise network will likely want to maintain confidentiality of large amounts of non-customer-facing data. A network security program can help protect confidential data by several of the methods listed above. Keeping the right data behind closed doors also helps organizations adhere to more strict regulations like the 一般资料保护规例(GDPR).

